I was bit by the baking bug this past Saturday morning. I woke up, and HAD to bake, regardless of the fact I didn't have much to work with other than some dried apricots in the pantry and some walnuts tucked away in the freezer. Having just made scones the weekend before, and cupcakes (for work, not for pleasure) earlier in the week, my heart cried out for a combination of the two and found a happy medium in these delicious pint-sized muffins.
I have to confess that I forgot to add baking powder to the first batch, but that's ok as I didn't need a full dozen muffins to pacify my cravings, and was able to save the second half. If you don't have (or don't want to use) Brandy, not to worry - substitute hot water instead. Brandy however seems to draw out the tart qualities of the apricot, which is a nice complement to the sweetness of the dough.
This recipe will yield 12 "normal size" muffins or 6 "Texas Size" muffins.