By merely posting about Martini's I am creating (stirring up?) controversy. Controversy between the Gin Martini vs. Vodka Martini set, the shakers vs. stirrers. Vermouth lovers and haters. Even the amount and kind of olives used are debated amongst purists.
To this end I would like to defend myself by stating that I am neither a bartender nor master mixologist. I like what I like, and I like dirty, nay, filthy martinis. And garlic stuffed olives, and gin.
What makes this martini filthy is the liberal addition of olive brine, and yes, a garlic stuffed olive. This is less drink and more appetizer, and oh so good.
I refuse to lecture you on shaking vs. stirring, the benefits of a vermouth spritzer, etc. The following is an account of how I, prefer my martini, and I demand you enjoy it too~!